As I write this article the movie I Can Only Imagine was released this past weekend.  The movie is based on the incredible story behind the song of the same name.  I still remember how this song became very popular on Christian radio and was being sung in churches including the church I was serving at the time in Marietta.  The song did well on Christian radio but had run its course but suddenly gained tremendous momentum when it began to be played on secular radio stations.  The message of this song and the speculation of what Heaven might be like even resonated with an audience that didn’t typically listen to Christian music.  I have not seen the movie yet, but I hope to very soon and I would encourage you to support it simply because Hollywood needs to see movies that contain a clear Christian message can do well at the box office.

As I think about this song I have to confess that it is intriguing to consider what Heaven might be like.  We certainly gain a glimpse in scripture through The Revelation as John relays to us what God revealed to him.  However, I don’t think there is any way we can fully understand the beauty of what Heaven will be like.  None of us have ever been and we have never seen anything that was not tainted by the affects of sin but one day we will see Heaven in its glory and perfection.

Growing up in Augusta the first full-week of April always meant two things, spring break from school, and more importantly, The Masters.  I was blessed growing up that my parents got tickets to the tournament.  They started getting tickets in the late 1950’s when they moved to Augusta from LaGrange, GA.  I didn’t really know how blessed I was growing up to get to go every year.  From 1976 to 2005 I didn’t miss a year of going to at least one round of the tournament.  I have seen many places, though I am definitely not a world traveler, but I have to say that The Augusta National is by far the most pristine place I have ever seen.  Even those who have played all over the world say that the Augusta National is one of the most spectacular places on earth.

The public doesn’t know what a membership costs there, the members don’t discuss it.  Having caddied there I can tell you that no expense is spared no matter what they endeavor to do.  If they want to do something they don’t have to wonder if they will have the resources to do it, they just do it.  To put it in perspective, The Augusta National bought up an entire neighborhood alongside the course just to have parking for the tournament week!  They leveled houses and made gravel parking lots to use one week out of the year!  Who can afford to do that? 

As spectacular and as pristine as The Augusta National is, it doesn’t even compare to Heaven!  While the members of the Augusta National have deep pockets, there is a limit to what they can do.  The neighborhood they bought up, a couple of residents still have not sold their homes to them so there are still a few houses dotted around that parking area!  Heaven has no imperfections or limits!  However, only those who place their faith in Jesus Christ will enter Heaven and thankfully it doesn’t depend on where we come from or how much money we have.  Are you prepared for an eternity in Heaven?  Are you praying for those that you know that are not prepared…those far from God in your life?  Pray that God would open their eyes to His glory and grace and be a living reflection of His glory and grace before them.

In His Amazing Grace,