I am grateful for your cooperation with the repairs that had to be done in the sanctuary. I am also very appreciative of the hard work our A/V team put in to make it possible. You have no idea how much time they spend just getting ready for an “ordinary” Sunday but to broadcast from the sanctuary and set up extra screens in the fellowship hall so people could be present on the campus is a huge task. I can’t thank them enough for all the effort they made to make that happen.
I appreciate all those who came out to our Bible Study Rally on Sunday Janu-ary 21st, even though Scott Sullivan couldn’t be here with us I hope you came away with some ideas on how you can have a healthy group. The biggest take away for me was to work on making sure our classes are relational. By that I mean that we need to interact with one another at times even beyond our class time. Be intentional about planning class outings and times of fel-lowship. I know everyone has busy schedules, but we need one another in the faith, and we must be willing to spend some time together to be aware of what is going on in the lives of others.
We are already through one month of the new year and we want to make sure we make the best use of the time that God has given us. With that in mind I want to encourage you to join us for the Spiritual Gifts Assessment on Sunday February 11th, at 9:00am. We will meet in the sanctuary and this will carry us through our usual Bible Study time. The assessment we will use has 16 spiritual gifts but also has a personality profile. Don’t worry you can’t fail this test! This assessment will help you see where your spiritual gifting is and how your personality works with that. If you can’t be here on the 11th but want to do the assessment, let me know and I will help you get one and do it your-self. It is extremely important that we understand our gifting and then use our gifts for God’s glory. Let’s work to redeem the time.
I don’t believe we have that much time before the Lord will return so let’s work to use our gifts to reach people for Christ and to grow people in Christ. In 2024 we want to baptize 20 so our goal and thought for the year is 20 more in 24 (20/24). May we see many added to the Kingdom of God this year!