Posts from August 2018

3 Items

When God Brings Changes


As I write this article it is over half way through the month of July and August is approaching. For Janice and me, the month of August comes with excitement and some sadness for the passing of time. You see in August, we will move Brooks into his dorm and he will start college. One […]

Knowledge of Him


Have you ever done something for others only to find out that it helped you as well? Something like that happened to me during Vacation Bible School this year. Going into VBS, my planning and preparing was just for the kids to have a good time and learn about Jesus, but something happened – they […]

Love Your Library


Have you taken advantage of our Church Library? Much is waiting for you. Whatever your need you can find it in the Library. You don’t believe me? Why, just ask and see if we can help. Many new books have been given this summer. These are but a few! “When Christ Appears” D. Jeremiah “A […]