Posts from November 2018

3 Items

God Is On The Throne No Matter What Happens On Election Day


I can hardly believe this year is almost over! As November arrives I immediately think of Thanksgiving and the reality that we should be thankful every day. As Thanksgiving approaches start now asking God to open your eyes to all the things you take for granted daily and be thankful for them.  I think of […]

Dry Bones Come Alive


I recently read again Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel chapter 37. I have read the account before, but this time I literally had thoughts of Ellijay as I read it. In chapter 37: 4-5, the Lord tells Ezekiel to “Prophesy over these bones and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear […]



What do all these subjects have in common? Missions in Ecuador…..Aviation Fellowship…Nursing…Wheaton College….Poisonous Spears….Shrunken Heads…Wycliffe Bible Translators…Acaua Indians. I think you must know by now that all these are part of the true story of the 5 missionaries that were killed by the Acauas in 1956 in the jungles of Ecuador. This savage tribe were […]