Posts by PGBC

2836 of 249 items

Fall Festival Report


I would like to express my great appreciation for the many people who served at our “Country Fair” Fall Festival this year. The whole farm showed up. The event this year had a wonderful attendance, more than in previous years and I believe that it was a fantastic outreach tool for the community, and many […]

Thanks & Encouragement


I want to thank you for showing so much love and support to my daughter Hailey and her fian-cée Ryan. Those who had a part in putting together the shower just blew us away and went above and beyond. So many of you have been so generous to them and blessed them beyond measure. Truly […]

It’s Shoebox Time!


Share the love of Jesus, through the power of a simple gift, with children around the world. Please give what you can. It costs $10 to ship a box & $20 to fill a box. Write OCC on the check memo line. There will be a Packing Party in the Fellowship Hall on Nov. 1st […]

Thank You Spark Volunteers


I would like to give a huge THANK YOU to all who helped with the Spark Conference in August! We had many compliments from the guests. It was a big success. I encourage those who could not make it to revival to listen to the messages by going to our Sermons page or our YouTube […]

Roadmap To Heaven


5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?”6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father butthrough Me. John 14:5-7 With smartphones and car navigation systems nowadays, gone are the days […]

So Much Ahead…


We are now over halfway through the year but there is so much ahead of us in 2023. We set a goal before the year of baptizing 24 in 23 and so far, we have baptized 5. However, we shouldn’t be discouraged but instead we should pray with expectation. It is always in God’s will […]

Jamaic Mission Trip 2023


This year Coleman and I were privileged to have the opportunity to go on the Jamaica mission trip that Morganton/ Mountaintown Baptist association puts together twice per year. The time there was busy and hot but was such a blessing. The team held VBS in two separate locations with two hundred plus kids combined, and […]

Family Night Updates


July’s Game Night & Ice Cream Social was a blast for all ages! If you weren’t able to make it we will definitely do it again soon. There were many requests for more game nights! Brush up on your talents for Christ because we are going to do a Talent Show & Apple Bake Off! […]

Reconciled to God


When I think of the word, “reconcile” two thoughts come to mind about the meaning of the word. First, I think of making right a wrong done in a relationship so that two people are able to reconcile their differences. They are able to forgive and move forward. The other part of the word that […]