First, I want to say thank you for your expressions of kindness and generosity through the month of October. I am blessed to serve you as pastor, and I am grateful to my Heavenly Father that I get to serve alongside of you. I appreciate the gift from the church and all your kind words. I pray that the Lord allows us to serve together for many years to come. Being in a great church truly makes my job much sweeter.
Second, I would like to say thank you to the many that gave gifts in memory of my mother-in-law to Operation Christmas Child and the Christian Learning Center. September was a very rough month for us in seeing her pass suddenly and then our sweet Lizzy that had been by our side for over twelve and a half years. It has been a hard adjustment, but your prayers and kind expressions have helped us walk through this process. We know that God works all things for our good, but it can be difficult walking through them, nonetheless.
As we hurriedly walk into the month of November, I want to remind you to pause and be thankful for the blessings of God in your life. You are a blessing to us and we are grateful for you. However, if all we had was forgiveness and eternal life we would still have a reason to be thankful. God has given us so much more than we deserve, and we can be thankful every day. Remember, no matter how the election turns out this month, we can still be thankful, and we can still trust that God is on the throne!