Monthly Weekly Daily List
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- 1No Other Gods Bible Study9:30 am - 11:00 amLadies 8-Week Bible Study Start out 2025 on the right path! Experience the deeper, more abundant life Jesus came to give you! Led by Julie Mathis following the book “No Other Gods” by Kelly Minter Books are $10. Sign up in the foyer. Childcare available upon request. Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:00 am Lad , ...
- 2Bible Study Fellowship9:45 am - 10:45 amWe offer many different Bible study classes. Call the church or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday for more information. , ...Worship Service11:00 amEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...Action Team Training Class1:00 pm - 2:00 pmSunday, March 2, 2025 & Sunday, March 16, 2025 Following the Morning Worship Service Lunch is Provided If you are on ANY Action Team, please plan to attend 1 of these dates If you are on the Ministry Committee, please plan to attend 1 of these dates If you are on the Administration Committee, please plan to attend , ...Evening Worship Services6:30 pm - 7:30 pmEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...
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- 5Sewing Sisters10:00 amMeet upstairs in the fellowship hall. , ...Wednesday Family Night6:00 pm - 7:30 pmEnjoy a warm meal with fellowship, music and bible study. This will be in the Fellowship Hall , ...
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- 8Brotherhood Breakfast8:30 amCraft Day10:00 am - 2:00 pmMissions Project—All Through the Year Every 2nd Saturday Crafts for all ages to help with; Non-craft tasks too! Crafts will go in the Samaratin’s Purse Christmas Child Shoeboxes. See Sandy Ralston or Ann Adamavage if you have any questions. , ...
- 9Bible Study Fellowship9:45 am - 10:45 amWe offer many different Bible study classes. Call the church or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday for more information. , ...Worship Service11:00 amEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...Monthly Meetings4:00 pm4pm: Deacons 5pm: Ministry Committee 5:45pm: Admin Committee 6:15pm: Business Meeting , ...Evening Worship Services6:30 pm - 7:30 pmEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...
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- 11Medical Clinic4:00 pm
- 12Food For The Hungry9:00 am - 11:00 amThe second Wednesday of every month Pleasant Grove Baptist Church gives out food to our local community. Each month more and more people are coming who are in need of help. Some are receiving a lot more than they came for. Some are receiving Christ. Get more information. , ...Wednesday Family Night6:00 pm - 7:30 pmEnjoy a warm meal with fellowship, music and bible study. This will be in the Fellowship Hall , ...
- 13DNOW 2025All DayExperience a weekend retreat designed to provide discipleship resources for students as they explore their identity in God and discover ways to make a meaningful impact on the Kingdom here on earth. We will have a lock-in at the church Friday, March 14. Pastor Jeff is available if you have any questions. Register in th , ...Lady’s Shopping Day9:00 amShopping day at Hamrick’s and lunch at Logan’s Roadhouse. Please join us for a shopping day at Hamricks on March 13th. The buses will leave at 9:00 and lunch will be at Logan’s Roadhouse. Come join us for a fun day with the church gang. , ...
- 14DNOW 2025All DayExperience a weekend retreat designed to provide discipleship resources for students as they explore their identity in God and discover ways to make a meaningful impact on the Kingdom here on earth. We will have a lock-in at the church Friday, March 14. Pastor Jeff is available if you have any questions. Register in th , ...
- 15DNOW 2025All DayExperience a weekend retreat designed to provide discipleship resources for students as they explore their identity in God and discover ways to make a meaningful impact on the Kingdom here on earth. We will have a lock-in at the church Friday, March 14. Pastor Jeff is available if you have any questions. Register in th , ...
- 16DNOW 2025All DayExperience a weekend retreat designed to provide discipleship resources for students as they explore their identity in God and discover ways to make a meaningful impact on the Kingdom here on earth. We will have a lock-in at the church Friday, March 14. Pastor Jeff is available if you have any questions. Register in th , ...Bible Study Fellowship9:45 am - 10:45 amWe offer many different Bible study classes. Call the church or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday for more information. , ...Worship Service11:00 amEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...Truett McConnell University Choir Concert6:00 pmJoin us for an enchanting evening of music at the Truett McConnell University Choir Concert! Experience the incredible talent of their dedicated choir as they perform a diverse repertoire that promises to uplift and inspire. Whether you’re a longtime supporter of the arts or discovering the joy of choral music fo , ...Evening Worship Services6:30 pm - 7:30 pmEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...
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- 19Sewing Sisters10:00 amMeet upstairs in the fellowship hall. , ...Wednesday Family Night6:00 pm - 7:30 pmEnjoy a warm meal with fellowship, music and bible study. This will be in the Fellowship Hall , ...
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- 23Bible Study Fellowship9:45 am - 10:45 amWe offer many different Bible study classes. Call the church or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday for more information. , ...Worship Service11:00 amEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...Evening Worship Services6:30 pm - 7:30 pmEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...
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- 26Wednesday Family Night6:00 pm - 7:30 pmEnjoy a warm meal with fellowship, music and bible study. This will be in the Fellowship Hall , ...
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- 30Bible Study Fellowship9:45 am - 10:45 amWe offer many different Bible study classes. Call the church or stop by the Welcome Center on Sunday for more information. , ...Worship Service11:00 amEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...Evening Worship Services6:30 pm - 7:30 pmEvery week, we gather together to praise and worship God. If you are looking for a church family, come visit. We would love to meet you. May God bless you as we all seek to serve Him. , ...
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