Family Minister

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Screech, errrrrr, buzz, screeeeeeeeeeeech!


“This is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test!” How many times have we heard that over the years, and just when you didn’t expect it? The Emergency Broadcast System was designed to alert us of potential danger, and to clear the airwaves for a special bulletin. If the alert […]

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year


“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” In a recent conversation I had it was brought up that each year stores begin displaying Christmas items earlier and earlier. The season’s beginning has moved from right after Thanksgiving, to right after Halloween, and even earlier in some stores. By pushing the season earlier it seems […]

It’s Not You


A friend of mine once offered advice to a hurting young Christian lady who couldn’t understand why her father was keeping a distant relationship. He would not call for months at a time, and would put off planned events with his daughter. Any attempt at visiting was extended through the daughter, rather than both ways. […]

What Other Denominations Believe


Ever wonder what other denominations of “Christians” believe? While serving as missionaries in Romania, we encountered a culture of over 80% Orthodox Christians and their beliefs. Orthodox Christians hold to some of the same doctrines as Protestants such as the Trinity, and Jesus as the Son of God. Their theology however, is more similar to […]

I Will Follow You


I recently heard a song again that was released in 2015 called “I will follow you”. I knew the lyrics already, but I guess I had never focused on what was being said. One of the verses sings “when the sea is calm and all is right, when I feel your favor flood my life, […]

Adversity As An Opportunity


Twenty years ago, I went rafting down the Ocoee River near Ducktown, TN. I remember the pre-rafting talk that the guide gave to us where he stated: “if you fall into the water do not put your feet down, rather keep them up as you are pushed downstream”. The reason for such instruction is so […]

Fear Of The Lord


Proverbs 19:23 states: “The fear of the Lord leads to life….” The theme of this year’s youth Disciple-Now weekend was “Fearless”, where the youth learned what it means to have life as children of an almighty God. Now my question for you is: do you fear the Lord? What does fearing the Lord even mean to you? Is […]

St. Patrick


This March 17th many people will celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, and pinch their neighbor who is not wearing green. But why do we celebrate? St. Patrick, born in AD 387 in Scotland, was famous for his missionary work in Ireland. During his work there, he allegedly established 300 churches, and led many to the Lord. […]