It is so hard to believe that we are already coming to the last month of yet anoth-er year. As I write this article it is just before Thanksgiving, and I must remind myself we have so much for which to be thankful. I am blessed as a pastor to live in a country where I can still preach the truth of God’s Word even if there are those in this country that don’t approve of the truth. I am also blessed to serve in a church where you want to hear the truth of God’s Word and don’t want some watered-down version that focuses on how it makes you feel rather than whether or not it is true.
As Christmas fast approaches I pray that we are all grateful for that first Christ-mas when Jesus was born to Mary and Joseph in a humble cattle stall. God left Heaven and came to earth to dwell among us. It is an overwhelming thought to consider that Jesus created us knowing that He would have to leave Heaven and come to earth to die for us! That is love that is not comprehensible. That is a love that is greater than any other love we can ever know.
As you celebrate the season in various ways this year, pause to consider the real reason for celebration. Jesus became man so that we men might be made joint heirs with Him. He gave us the greatest gift of all by taking our place on a cruel cross. We have hope no matter the circumstances around us because of His great gift. Make sure you take time with your family to remember His gift as you exchange gifts that are far less significant than the gift He has given us.
As the end of the year approaches, ask God to help you recog-nize areas for growth for the New Year. Ask Him to give you a greater hunger and thirst for His Word in 2025. Ask Him to give you are heart for the lost and a greater desire to reach them with His Word. Ask Him to help you grow in your relationship with Him in 2025.
From our home to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!