I have to quit blinking because another year has flown by! As I write this article it is just a few days before Christmas, and I am thinking about how things have changed in our household this year. My daughter is now a wife and I have a son-in-law. I am not used to that yet, but it is a good thing, and I will get accus-tomed to it at some point, I am sure. My son is engaged and one semester away from completing his MBA at KSU and has a final season of college base-ball beginning in February. I will take it in and be there as much as I possibly can because I know I will blink again, and it will be over.
As we begin 2024 it is good to pause and look back over the last year. Take a moment to consider how God has blessed you. Consider how you have grown in your faith over the last year. Admit those areas where you need to grow in your walk with Christ in the new year. It can be easy to focus on the struggles from the past year but make sure you open your eyes to God’s provision for you even in the middle of the struggles. Remember, God is working it all to-gether for your good.
As you begin the year, make intentional plans to grow in your faith. Be realistic in your expectations for yourself. Add five or ten minutes to your quiet time. If you don’t have a quiet time set a time to start one and start with 10 minutes, five reading and five giving thanks and making your requests known to God. Find someone to hold you accountable in your faith and make sure it is some-one that loves you enough to kick you in the seat of your pants when you need it! Ask God to help you encourage someone else in their walk with Christ in 2024 as well. Pray for people that are lost by name and ask God to give you opportunities to witness to them. Join us Sunday January 21st as we celebrate our Bible Study groups and work to become more intentional about reaching out to the lost through our Bible Study groups.
Finally, I want to say thank you for another great year serving alongside you. Janice and I love you and are so appreciative of your kindness towards us year-round but especially during this Christmas season. You have been so generous to us, and we are grateful for you. We pray you have the best year yet in 2024.