Pleasant Grove Music Ministry
The music ministry at Pleasant Grove is focused on the praise and worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Throughout the Bible and throughout the history of the church, God’s people have always sung to Him in response to His work and presence in their lives. God works in our lives and shows us His love and grace. The music is our response and an expression of our hearts. In Psalm 150:6, we read, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”
Christian music today is so rich, and there are so many styles of Christian songs. There are styles for everyone. The songs we tend to share here at Pleasant Grove tend to be a blend of certain song styles. Over a period of time, you will find selections from among the following song styles or genres: traditional songs and hymns, mainstream contemporary, praise & worship, and southern gospel, and from them all, there is the common thread of Jesus Christ and His wondrous love and work.
The Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir is an ensemble of singers of middle school age through adult ages. Though our individual voices are different, we sing together in unity to create a beautifully unique sound as a group that none of us could create alone. This is our musical offering unto the Lord. If you have a desire to sing and praise God with your voice, please pray about joining the Sanctuary Choir, and if God leads you, please join us. No previous experience is needed.
The Sanctuary Choir sings each Sunday for the 11:00 AM Worship service. We also have three musicals throughout the year that we present:
- An Easter musical
- A Christmas musical
- A patriotic musical for Independence Day
Rehearsal times:
- Sunday, 5:15-6:15, in the choir room
- Wednesday, 7:30-8:30, in the sanctuary
For additional information, please contact:
Rev. Douglas Lee
Minister of Music
[email protected]