163171 of 477 items

The Heart of a Murderer


Join us this week as we examine part of the Sermon on the Mount as Jesus reminds us the attitude of our heart is as important as our outward behavior. Matthew 5:21-26 (HCSB) 21 “You have heard that it was said to our ancestors, Do not murder, and whoever murders will be subject to judgment. […]

Living With Grace


Join us as we are reminded of the wonderful grace that God has shown to us! Titus 2:11-15 (HCSB) 11 For the grace of God has appeared with salvation for all people, 12 instructing us to deny godlessness and worldly lusts and to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly way in the present age, […]

Reasons to Be Thankful


Join us as we consider some things that we can always be thankful for. Matthew 26:26-30 (HCSB) 26 As they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take and eat it; this is My body.” 27 Then He took a cup, and after giving thanks, He […]

Faithful Under Pressure


In a day and time when so many are unfaithful may we strive to be faithful to the things of God. Join us as we look at Titus 2:1-10. Titus 2:1-10 (HCSB) ​1 But you must say the things that are consistent with sound teaching. 2 Older men are to be level headed, worthy of […]

Destructive Talk


Join us as we examine the dangers of Destructive Talk from Titus 1:10-16. Titus 1:10-16 (HCSB) For there are also many rebellious people, full of empty talk and deception, especially those from Judaism. 11 It is necessary to silence them; they overthrow whole households by teaching what they shouldn’t in order to get money dishonestly. […]

Acts Miracles


Acts 5:12-16 (HCSB) 12 Many signs and wonders were being done among the people through the hands of the apostles. By common consent they would all meet in Solomon’s Colonnade. 13 None of the rest dared to join them, but the people praised them highly. 14 Believers were added to the Lord in increasing numbers […]

Staying On Track


Join us as we examine how to stay on the right track in our faith. Philippians 3:15-21 (HCSB) 15 Therefore, all who are mature should think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you. 16 In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have […]