I can hardly believe a month has already gone by in 2025. We have had a real winter this year with snow, extreme cold, and even frozen fog! That snow was crazy in how long it stayed around and finally took rain to get it to go away. I was beginning to wonder if it was going to be with us much longer but thankfully the rain came. I am grateful the days are starting to get a little longer as I enjoy the sunlight, and I look forward to spring just around the corner.
Spring is always an enjoyable time of the year as we see the flowers bloom, the trees begin to bud out, and the grass starts to turn green. The downside for me is the allergy fun that comes along with all the pollens kicking up. It also means the regular work of dealing with taking care of the yard which includes cutting grass regularly. I don’t really mind cutting the grass, but it is something that has to be done. Sometimes we have to do things that are not necessarily easy but are important.
We have begun a process called Refocus that is designed to help us honestly examine where we are as a church and what we can do to best honor God as we move forward. We are blessed to be in a great church and God truly has been good to us, but we don’t want to rest on past successes. We know God has placed us here to impact our commu-nity and ultimately the world with the Gospel. In light of that we want to examine how we can most effectively share the Gospel and advance the Kingdom of God.
As we walk through this process, we would truly appreciate your prayers. We have a team that is diverse and represents different age groups as well as different lengths of membership here. Please pray for me, Jeff, and Doug as well as the members of the team; Jay Cannon (chairman), Dusty Armstrong, Rose Broughton, Allyson Raymond, Kent Sanford, and Dennis Vinson. These folks have agreed to walk through this process that can be time consuming but is important.
We want to be the best church we can be for the Kingdom of God moving forward. I believe our best years are in front of us and that God has much in store for us. Pray that we all will have willing and obedient hearts as He leads us into the middle of His will for Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.