I want to thank you for showing so much love and support to my daughter Hailey and her fian-cée Ryan. Those who had a part in putting together the shower just blew us away and went above and beyond. So many of you have been so generous to them and blessed them beyond measure. Truly my cup overflows and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to get to serve along-side you as God leads us together to accomplish His purposes.
I have talked a few times about Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and just wanted to en-courage you to consider how God might want you to be a part of giving to this great ministry as we work together with other churches in our community to send 1,200 boxes with the Gos-pel and as we work as a church to send another 400 boxes from Pleasant Grove. Each child that gets a box will hear the Gospel and have a chance to enroll in a study that will help them understand what it means to follow Christ and live for Christ. To send the boxes from our church at ten dollars a box we will need $4,000. Plus, each box cost about $20 per box to fill. A lot of that has already been purchased but there is still a need to raise money for the con-tents of the boxes. That is a lot of money for anyone but if we all do our part that number can be reached easily. Thank you for wanting to see the Gospel go forward across the globe and reach places that it would be nearly impossible for us to go to. If you want to give to the 1,200 community boxes simply write “community occ” in the memo section of your check. If you want to give to the 400 boxes from our church simply write “occ” in the memo section of your check.
On a closer front, I want to encourage you to consider giving to the Mission GA offering that supports mission work right here in the state of Georgia. Here is a direct quote from the Mis-sion Georgia website:
“Statistics show that children not reading on grade level by the fourth grade are more likely to end up in prison or on welfare. Spending just 30 minutes a week working one-on-one with a child can change this.”
As a matter of fact, the state looks at this fact to determine how many prisons they will need in the future. Childhood literacy is just one of five areas in Georgia that this offering supports. The fight against Human Trafficking, Foster Care and Adoption, Maternity Care, and Refugees and Internationals are the other four. To find out more information about this important offering check out the website at www.missiongeorgia.org.
Thank you for being such a generous body of believ-ers and people that want to see the name of Jesus lifted up in our state and across the globe!!