Since our last newsletter the Supreme Court has redefined marriage. They have said (at least 5 of them) that marriage is not simply a union between one man and one woman it can also be one man with another man or one woman with another woman. First we must be clear that marriage cannot be redefined by man for God defined marriage in the first place and He established what this union is all about. It is sad that man has chosen to usurp God’s authority but rest assured God will not be mocked and in spite of what man says is so God has spoken and that settles it.
Secondly we must be prepared that the climate of this culture will become more and more antagonistic against the church and more specifically against Christians. At the time I am writing this article I am sad to say that the court has ruled against Truett-McConnell and Guidestone Financial and said that even Christian groups must provide abortifacient contraceptives for its employees. In other words the morning after pill and things of that sort that results in the termination of a life.
The infringement upon our religious freedoms is real and will continue unless we dig our heels in and begin to fight back. We need to make our voices heard loud and clear in the state house and in Washington DC that we are not going to sit idly by while they try to make the church reflect the world. It is our calling to change the world around us not to be conformed to the world around us.
An election year is quickly approaching and we must be in prayer that we will seek God’s heart and that our nation will elect men and women who seek His heart as well. It is critical that we do not sit back and give up. We must vote even if the choices turn out to be less than we hope. We must not allow those who would push us even further toward secularism to be elected. Join me in praying for our nation and praying for God to do a new work here in this land.
Finally, join me in praying for our revival that begins Sunday, August 16th. Rev Steve Freeman will be sharing with us Sunday morning through Wednesday night. Pray that God will speak through him to stir our hearts and bring genuine renewal and revival into our lives. Steve was born with cerebral palsy and has battled cancer but God continues to use him to tell of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Ask God to help you know who to invite and bring with you to revival.
In His Amazing Grace,

In His Amazing Grace,