God has blessed us with many new faces and entrusted us with a great facility and financial resources. About four years ago we started building an endowment fund that has grown much faster than we could have possibly anticipated at the time. When we started the endowment, we said we would wait five years before we would start to take any money from the fund. However, with the tremendous growth of the fund we have decided to begin taking 5% from it every year starting next year. At the current balance that will be over $45,000 a year. This money will be used specifically for evangelism, discipleship, and outreach opportunities.
There are three areas that we will begin to utilize this money starting next year. The first area is to support a church plant or new church start. We will exercise due diligence to find a church plant that has a great opportunity to succeed and support it financially as well as pray for them and possibly provide any other assistance we can along the way. The second area we will fund is at least one evangelistic outreach every year. We might partner with other churches or do something on our own, but we will be very intentional to do something to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our community. The third area we will use these funds for is to do something to build up believers through discipleship. We will bring someone in that is gifted in the area of parenting, finances, apologetics, marriage, or something else. The goal will be to build up the body of Christ and to encourage believers. God has blessed us with this resource, so we want to use it for His glory.
If you have not already begun praying for revival, I want to encourage you to do so now. Kenny Evans will be with us starting Sunday August 18th at 11:00am and then 6:30 each night through Wednesday. Pray for Kenny that God will give him the messages we need to hear and pray that God will use him to bring people to faith in Christ. Pray that God will prepare hearts and ask God to prepare your heart. Ask God to put someone on your heart to invite to revival. Don’t miss what God wants to do in you and through you in reaching people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. I’m praying God will send revival to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church!