This is and will continue to be one of my favorite verses in scripture, but I confess I have a lot of favorite verses! Do you realize that you are God’s workmanship? The New Living Translation says we are His Masterpiece. You are not an accident and even though you may not feel like you are all that amazing. God made you in His image and put you over the entire world around you. We are His stewards to manage and care for the world around us. You are the crown of God’s creation and you need to see yourself in that light through the amazing grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.
You are not special because of who you are, where you were born, what you can do, or for how you look. You are special because God looked on you in love and sent His Son to die in your place and you have been made a new creation in Christ Jesus for good works. You should know that God has good works for you to accomplish but I also hope you know that doing those good works is not so that you will gain more favor from God but instead because you love God and are grateful for what He has done for you.
When both my children were younger they would sometimes draw pictures, works of art, for me or Janice. When they would do those works of art they weren’t childhood prodigies giving me things that might someday be on the wall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City they were doing works that a child could do. When they gave them to me I didn’t ridicule them because they weren’t better or more professional, they were children. I thanked them, praised them and even put some of them up in places where I would see them often. They meant something to me because of the love and heart behind them.
Frankly we don’t have much more than childish drawing to offer God in our good works and yet He prepared them ahead of time that we might be able to express our love for Him. Fulfill your calling, do the work that God has for you because you love Him and I assure you, He will cherish it and it will make Him smile every time He sees it!