Posts from October 2018

3 Items

I Am Privileged


Recently, Nike announced that it would use Colin Kaepernick as the face of the 30th anniversary of the “Just Do It” campaign. Nike is free to use whomever they wish to use to promote their products, but I am just as free not to use their products if I so choose.  I am not going […]

Servants of the King


And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35) It seems like every time I turn around there is a need for people to help in some area of church life. From the nursery […]

Welcome New Books


WELCOME FALL… WELCOME APPLE FESTIVAL…. WELCOME NEW BOOKS This month I would like to review one of our newer books. A historical novel very akin to “Gone With the Wind.” Except it is placed in Virginia on the Arlington Plantation of the Custer Family. The daughter,  Mary, becomes the wife of the General Robert E. Lee. […]