Posts from January 2020

3 Items

Choosing To Know God More


Some people like vintage more than new.  If you had the choice between a vintage car, like a 1968 Camaro SS or a brand-new Camaro SS, what would you be more inclined to choose?  If you had the choice between a 100-year-old house with lots of “character” or a brand-new house full of warranties, what […]

I Said I Was Sorry


What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Romans 6:1-2 Recently one of our little ones was in trouble for biting. While I had her in time-out, she repeatedly kept telling me […]

The Purpose of Christmas


Welcome 2020…This makes me think of good eyesight….to have 2020 vision is to see things in the best possible order. I want to help you get the best of the new year in light of what God has done for us.  Christmas has come but it is not gone. The very best gift has been […]