Posts from March 2020

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Sometimes God Needs To ‘Prune’ Our Lives


I realized today that this May will be three years since my daughter graduated from college. It doesn’t seem like it could possibly be true, but it is. Consequently, it is also true that May will be three years since Janice had her thyroid removed. Before this happened, I had no idea all that the […]

Catching Us Off Guard


I was stopped at a traffic light the other day, and while I was waiting for my turn to go, I was listening to the radio. I had my truck radio tuned to a Christian station and was enjoying the music when suddenly the song changed to a 1980’s rock and roll song. I was […]

Time “March”es On


“Ides” like to see you marching to the Library.  Our books are richer than a “pot o gold”. Enough of this “Blarney” stuff. Spring is just around the corner . I’ve already seen jonquils blooming and red bud trees turning. “to everything a season “so says the Bible. Do you know where this is found? […]