Posts from 2023

1924 of 24 items

Forgiveness Through Christ


As Easter approaches, we rightly celebrate the Resurrection and the reality that Jesus claimed the victory over the grave. That sealed the reality that Jesus was the Messiah. Without the Resurrection He would not have been the Son of God and everything He said would have little impact. However, because He rose from the grave, […]

Disciple Now Thank You


I just wanted to thank everyone who played a part in this year’s Disciple Now (D-Now) youth event. The theme of this year’s event was called “No Champion but Christ” and the children learned how the battles that we face as Christians belong to the Lord, and it is He who will give us victory! […]

Opportunities For March


I want to encourage you to pray for a couple of opportunities that are coming up this March. Sunday afternoon March 5th, we are going to show Lifemark the most recent movie by the Kendrick brothers. As always, it is a faith-based movie. The movie’s website says this about the movie: David’s comfortable world is […]

Student Ministries Support


Luke 10:2 And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. The youth and children’s program at PGBC has continued to grow, and there are a few areas where we could use more help. We […]

Love of God Banquet


This month we will have an evangelistic outreach, our Love of God Banquet, on Wednesday the 15th. Ask God to put people on your heart to invite and pray for them as you invite them. Pray that God would be at work in their heart. You will be able to invite them to a free […]

24 in 23


First of all, I want to say thank you so very much for the kindness you showed me and my family through the Christmas season. The cards and gifts truly blessed us, and we appreciate it so much! I can honestly say that there is not another church I know of that I would rather […]