At the time of the writing of this article you, the church, have voted to call Jeff Phillips to come and serve full-time as Family Minister. I am excited about Jeff, Anna, Coleman, William and Caleb coming to join us here and working alongside us to reach this community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jeff and Anna are a genuine and sweet couple that love the Lord and want to serve Him here and see people added to the Kingdom. However, there is a transition that must take place for them to be with us so let me ask you to pray a few things for them specifically.
First of all, pray for their ministry in Romania as it draws to a close and ask God to be with them as they seek to ensure that ministry will continue after they leave. Pray that they will be able to sell and distribute the things they have there and that God might use those things to be a blessing to others. Pray that relationships that have been built might be sweetened and continue even after they leave Romania knowing that in God we are all a part of His family.
Second, pray for God to open doors for them as they make their way here. They will need an affordable place to live, a vehicle to drive, furniture (as they have none), food in their pantry and so many other things that we often take for granted. They are coming from another continent and coming back home having left and sold all that they had when they left Georgia five years ago. So many details need to be worked out for them but God is a big God and He can handle it all.
Thirdly, pray for them and the ministry that they will begin here. Pray for the boys as they adjust to a new place and even as they adjust to a new time zone seven hours different from what they have known. Pray for them to feel welcomed and to find friends as they arrive especially for Coleman as he begins school in the U.S. for the first time. Pray for God to give them all joy and excitement to ease any anxiety they may have about making this move. This is a big move but with God’s strength I know that they can overcome.
Thank you for praying for them and praying faithfully for our church. God has so much in store for us that I pray we will walk carefully with Him so that we don’t miss one thing that He wants to do in this place through us.

In His Amazing Grace,