Matthew 9:8 describes the response of the crowds that witnessed Jesus heal a paralytic man, they were awestruck and marveled at the event. The word for “awestruck” also conveys a sense of fear and reverence of the One who gives such authority.

Matthew 9:8
But when the crowds saw this, they were awestruck, and glorified God, who had given such authority to men.

“Awestruck” is the theme of this year’s winter youth conference in Gatlinburg that Pleasant Grove has attended for the past two years. There is a great lineup of preachers and musicians for the youth to join in worship with and hopefully come away awestruck for our Lord and Savior. Please join with me in prayer and support for this upcoming trip on December 29-31. As of now we have 9 youth interested in going and the cost for each person is $139. Sponsors and prayer warriors will be needed.

Please consider how you can help our youth with this upcoming trip.
