I am so grateful to be a part of a church that cares about the community around her and wants to reach out beyond the walls of our church! We have been to both the high school and middle school Christian Learning Centers and just shown the love of Christ to young people by sharing food with them and spending time with them. Thank you to everyone who prepared food and to those who were able to participate with us as we went. I look forward to getting to go back and spend some more time with these young people that need to see the love of Christ in adults. Some of them come from some very rough home situations and just to be able to encourage them and spend some time with them is a great thing.

Coming up in March we are going to have an opportunity to do a one-day mission trip over on the other side of Helen, GA at Unicoi Gap. At this point Appalachian Trail hikers are coming across the highway and have been on the trail for about 50 miles. We set up a grill and grill hamburgers and hotdogs and serve them while we talk with them and look for opportunities to tell them about Jesus. They call these food stops “trail magic” but we want to tell them about something real, the love of Christ. Join us Thursday March 28th on this special outreach! We will give you more specific time details as we get closer, but we will likely meet at the church to leave around 8am.

In April we will be doing our annual Easter Egg Hunt, this year on Palm Sunday, April 14th at 5pm. It will not be a flashlight hunt this year and we would love to have you help us with this special event. Pray that God will use us to tell others about the real reason for Easter. You can help us by bringing in some individually wrapped candy and such that we can put in their gift bags that we will make for every participant. Show up on that Sunday and help us “hide” the over 5,000 eggs we have. You can’t hide eggs in plain sight, but we will distribute them on the ball fields for the hunters to gather.

Finally, be in prayer for our summer mission trip that will be held June 10th-13th in Townsend, TN. We will be doing servant evangelism with Charm Ministries there in Townsend. We will give out ice cream at the IGA and give out water and snacks when rafters come off of the river. You will have time to sight see and things of that sort while you are there as well. So, make plans to be a part of this ministry and out-reach opportunity. Thank you for faithfully supporting God’s work through Pleasant Grove Baptist!

In His Amazing Grace,