The Hereafter
Do you find yourself thinking of the hereafter very often? I know that I do! I walk into a room and have to ask myself, “What am I hereafter?” It is so easy to get busy doing t
I can hardly believe a month has already gone by in 2025. We have had a real winter this year with snow, extreme cold, and even frozen fog! That snow was crazy in how long it staye
Prayer for 2025
First of all, Janice and I would like to thank you for you kindness and generosity toward usthrough the Christmas season. You are such a blessing to us and we are grateful for you.
End of Yet Another Year
It is so hard to believe that we are already coming to the last month of yet anoth-er year. As I write this article it is just before Thanksgiving, and I must remind myself we have
Be Thankful For The Blessings Of God
First, I want to say thank you for your expressions of kindness and generosity through the month of October. I am blessed to serve you as pastor, and I am grateful to my Heavenly F
Praying For The Lost
I want to tell you again what a blessing you are to me and my family! You have surrounded us with your love and prayers during a very difficult season of our lives. Having Carol pa
Yee Haw, Fall Is Coming
With a taste of fall like weather we are reminded that it is almost time for our annual Country Fall Festival! We have planned this year’s Country Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat
Speaking The Truth In Perilous Times
We are living in perilous times. I am not trying to be negative, but I think we would all agree there is a lot going on in the world today that should be a cause for concern. The m
We Are Blessed
God has blessed us with many new faces and entrusted us with a great facility and financial resources. About four years ago we started building an endowment fund that has grown muc
A True Friend And A Brother
Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, And a brotheris born for adversity. Coleman and I were blessed to be able to go on the associational mission trip to Jamaica this summer
Ministering To Our Youth
This summer we have been blessed to have four interns join us to help us with activities and events. Two you probably already know, Nathan and Kristen Armstrong. They are the oldes
Legacy of Faith
It seems like it was only a couple of months ago that we were celebrating our 165th Anniversary as a church at last year’s Homecoming. June 2nd, we will observe the 166th Anniver