With a taste of fall like weather we are reminded that it is almost time for our annual Country Fall Festival! We have planned this year’s Country Fall Festival / Trunk or Treat to be on Wednesday October 23rd from 5:30 – 8:00 pm.
This is a completely free event open to the entire community! We hope to have several games, activities and decorated trunks or trucks, for the kids of Pleasant Grove and the surrounding community. This means that we need several people to join in and decorate trunks and host the games, as well as get the word out. Please consider being a part of the fun this year, there is a sign-up sheet in the foyer to let us know where you can help. We want to provide a safe
and fun environment for families.
If you are new to Trunk or Treat, it is an event where volunteers decorate the trunks of their cars and fill them with individually wrapped candy for the children. Candy can be provided by donations from church members if needed. The children walk by the cars and receive candy at each decorated car, take part in activities and play games. It is a great time for the children to enjoy the evening and it is a great opportunity to introduce families to our church. Some important things to remember:
- We ask that decorations be appropriate for our “Country Fair” theme and for a church environment (No scary decorations – please keep everything “kid friendly.”)
- Kids usually arrive early; therefore, decorated vehicles should be in place and decorated by 5:00 at the latest.
- We ask that decorated vehicles not leave early. If the times do not work for you, we would love to have you serve in some other capacity.
- For candy, please only bring store-bought individually wrapped treats, or consider giving out a non-candy treat (bubbles, other small prizes). Every year is different, but we expect around 100 children at the event.
- We will need candy donations for the event. If you would like to donate candy, please bring it to the church and place it in the bins outside of Jeff’s office.
Thank You, we are looking forward to a great fall festival!