
2836 of 44 items

Birthday Thoughts


Having just turned 81, these are my birthday thoughts.  Angel Wings cards and people have shared many of these same thoughts. Getting older Is no fun;  Needing strength for the day; Ready to Go, ready to stay; Looking to Jesus every moment; In the sweet by and by; Victory in Jesus; Some Golden Sunrise;  Together […]

Feel God Near To You


One of the cutest and most helpful cards I received during my recovery from knee surgery is this… “If you have the ouchies…. I have the hugs” This just hit me as a good piece of advice. I have needed the hugs and love of my friends and I have gotten them. Thank you for […]

Enjoy Your Trip!


“Bon Voyage”, “All Aboard”, “Buckle Up” are expressions that make us think of traveling. All of us have dreams of places we’d like to visit—some far away and some just down the road. Some of these places we’ll never be able to visit. But reading a book with the setting in the place of our […]

Books I Have Been Reading


This may be the Library news but it’s from my “nest” at home right now.  As I sit here on the back porch soaking up the sun and beauty of the mountains, I am so very thankful for another successful surgery on my other knee and thankful for each of you and your prayers.  I […]

Why Read?


DVD’s and CD’s.  Check out our display on the table. Sign out card on the back.  No time period check out. Just return it when finished. WHY READ ?  Books can inform you Books can inspire you Books can entertain you Books can renew or boost your commitment to God. Commentaries, histories, prayer guides, geographies […]



The word SANCTUARY has been on my mind this week.  I want to talk about it.  What does it mean? a safe place:  a haven of rest:  a shelter in a storm:  a Holy place:   a place of refuge:  a gathering place. These make me think of God as my Sanctuary…….but, can we be a […]

Does God Have a Plan for America?


Just as God made a covenant with Abraham that he would be the “Father” of a great nation God has made a covenant with the founders of our great country from the founding “fathers” to the present day Christians. That if we looked to Him for guidance and believe His word He would give us […]



With thoughts of Thanksgiving and what to be thankful for I would like to tell you about a book we received this past week as a gift. Opal Carney shared a box of books with us as do many of you here.  I am very THANKFUL for you and your generosity. I am THANKFUL for […]

Read How Prayer Has Changed Many Lives


You are probably familiar with the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. It truly expresses our desires for peace in this world and how we can make it happen. Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love;Where there is injury, pardon;Where there is doubt, faith;Where there is despair, […]