Pastor’s Corner

19 of 84 items

End of Yet Another Year


It is so hard to believe that we are already coming to the last month of yet anoth-er year. As I write this article it is just before Thanksgiving, and I must remind myself we have so much for which to be thankful. I am blessed as a pastor to live in a country where […]

Be Thankful For The Blessings Of God


First, I want to say thank you for your expressions of kindness and generosity through the month of October. I am blessed to serve you as pastor, and I am grateful to my Heavenly Father that I get to serve alongside of you. I appreciate the gift from the church and all your kind words. […]

Praying For The Lost


I want to tell you again what a blessing you are to me and my family! You have surrounded us with your love and prayers during a very difficult season of our lives. Having Carol pass so suddenly was a shock and left us feeling as if the rug had been suddenly pulled from underneath […]

Speaking The Truth In Perilous Times


We are living in perilous times. I am not trying to be negative, but I think we would all agree there is a lot going on in the world today that should be a cause for concern. The moral compass of our culture has shifted so hard that morality barely exists anymore. There are those […]

Palm Sunday


As I write this article, yesterday was Palm Sunday. We were blessed to baptize two sweet young ladies and be reminded of the grace of God and the wonderful image presented through baptism in saying publicly that we are not ashamed of Jesus Christ. We were able to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together and be […]

Spring Is Upon Us


March is when we get to spring forward with our clocks, and I always look forward to when we have more daylight at the end of the day. The short days of winter can be a real downer although I know we need some cold days to help kill the bugs and I do enjoy […]

20 More In 24


I am grateful for your cooperation with the repairs that had to be done in the sanctuary. I am also very appreciative of the hard work our A/V team put in to make it possible. You have no idea how much time they spend just getting ready for an “ordinary” Sunday but to broadcast from […]

Happy New Year


I have to quit blinking because another year has flown by! As I write this article it is just a few days before Christmas, and I am thinking about how things have changed in our household this year. My daughter is now a wife and I have a son-in-law. I am not used to that […]

Show Up And Trust God


I have been studying the first fifteen verses of John 6 for a couple of weeks getting ready to write a sermon. This is a familiar text for just about anyone that has spent any time at all in the church. It is the account of the feeding of the 5,000. You know, as Matthew […]