It is hard to believe another year is fast approaching an ending. To say that 2020 has been a most unusual year would be an understatement. It seems everyday things are changing in one respect or another and nothing is the same as it was before COVID. We have better treatments for COVID now than we did in the beginning and we appear to be on the cusp of moving forward with a vaccine. I honestly have no idea what 2021 will look like and what it will hold, however, I am praying that it will be much better than 2020 has been.

Nevertheless, as Christmas approaches, I am hopeful. I am hopeful because Jesus did come to earth as a baby, God walked among us. He knows our greatest needs, He knows our greatest fears, and He has experienced the frailties of this human body. I do not serve a God that is removed or distant and neither to I serve a God that changes. Governments may change, economies may change, pandemics may change but God is immutable, unchanging, a constant we can count on.

I want to encourage you to celebrate the birth of Christ everyday in the month of December, don’t wait until the 25th. No, I am not suggesting that you exchange gifts every day, I am suggesting that you stop and remember the birth of Christ each day. Consider that Jesus was willing to give up the glories of Heaven to come to earth to eventually die on an old, rugged cross. He was willing to exchange His comfort to meet our greatest need. If God is for me who could be against me!

I refuse to lament over what has been or what might be on this earth because I know who really holds me and who really holds my future. I am trusting in the One that came to earth humbly as a baby, as a lamb for slaughter, but is coming back as the Lion of Judah. I can rejoice today because of who He is and because of the future that awaits in Heaven. I have victory no matter what defeats the world my throw my way!

In His Amazing Grace,