Luke 10:2 And He was saying to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.
The youth and children’s program at PGBC has continued to grow, and there are a few areas where we could use more help. We ask that you prayerfully consider serving.
Children’s Church Workers
The workers for Children’s church are on a rotation and serve only once or twice per month. We have
regular teaching materials that are provided.
Nursery Workers
The nursery is on a rotation schedule much like
Children’s church.
Egg Hunt Helpers
On Saturday April 8th at 10:30 am PGBC will host an egg hunt for children and youth in the field next to the pavilion. We will need plenty of folks to help on that day. We will also need help preparing candy bags prior to the egg hunt.
Camp Kaleo Sponsors
The cost of Camp has gone up just like everything else. The cost for one child is now $310, please
consider being a sponsor this year. If you are able to help, please put “youth” in the check memo.
What a blessing it is to pour into the lives of our young people as we serve the Lord!
FYI – Anyone considering working in student ministries will need to pass a background check and fill out a children’s worker application form for our insurance. See the Susie or Heather in the office or Jeff for the form.