Posts from June 2018

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Don’t Live Looking Backward


At the writing of this article I am exactly a week away from seeing my son graduate high school. It seems a little hard to believe that it is almost here, but it is definitely one of those things that you want to see happen in life. We spend far too many days wishing something […]

Transitory Nature of Life


As I watched the slide show of the high school graduates we recently recognized in our church family, I realized just how fast life goes by. For the parents of those young adults it probably seemed just like yesterday when they were bouncing their graduates on a knee as babies. Life does indeed go by […]

Splash the Living Water


What’s more refreshing in the hot summer than splashing water? Splashing in the pool; splashing in the ocean; splashing in the lake; even splashing in the tub or shower…. Water, one of our basic needs, is talked about in the Bible many times. I just reread a book called ”Splash the Living Water” by Esther Borroughs. It is based on the […]