Posts from January 2019

3 Items

Let God Be The Focus OF 2019


I can hardly believe a new year is already upon as.  As we look forward to 2019, I pray we do so with great anticipation.  It might be tempting to look around and lament over a decaying world, a crazy political climate, and a frenetic pace that seems to have no end and worry about […]

A New Year of Obedience


With Christmas behind us, there is no doubt that many have recently read the passages from the Bible which depict the coming Christ child, as well as the nativity. This year one of the major themes that jumped out at me as I studied through the text, was the submission of Mary’s will that was […]

HAPPY NEW YEAR . . From the Library


First, let me say a big, “THANK YOU” for your contributions to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. You don’t realize how much our missionaries are depending on this extra money for all the needs they have. A house, a bicycle, a well, literature, supplies, etc. They send love and thanks to you all. Happy New […]