First, let me say a big, “THANK YOU” for your contributions to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. You don’t realize how much our missionaries are depending on this extra money for all the needs they have. A house, a bicycle, a well, literature, supplies, etc. They send love and thanks to you all.

Happy New Year . . . A new beginning, a new chance to do better, decisions that will be made, a new endeavor.

How do you perceive the coming year 2019? God has given us the ability to make choices. The Bible tells us to choose whom we will serve. It tells us to look forward not backward. Press toward the high calling of God. Many verses tell us to look to GOD not man when making decisions. I pray you will remember these verses and others that lead you to choose God’s ways.

I have a book to recommend. “All Things Hidden” by Tracy Peterson. It takes place in Alaska before it became a state. You will picture the beauty of God’s handiwork as you read. A family is divided and has tough decisions to make. The calling of the father to be a doctor, and a daughter who wants to follow God’s lead has to be faced. There is mystery, romance, and heart warming tales of the people who come to settle this new territory with the native already there.

May the Lord bless you and give you a blessed New Year. Pray for our church to go forward in God’s leadership.

Shirley Olmstead