Posts from August 2019

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Life is too short to waste time on things that don’t impact eternity


As I write this article I am sitting at my mother’s bedside as she spends her last moments on this earth.  I am so grateful to know that she placed her faith in Christ as a young girl and truly sought to live a Christian life. My mother was not perfect, but she always sought […]

Why Did I Write That?


As I was cleaning off my desk for the first time in a while, I ran across a note that I had written with a scripture verse on it. I scratched my head and pondered but never could remember the reason that I had written it. You see, I had left off one important piece […]

Enjoying Summer Reading


Our big celebration for our 50th anniversary is over but the memories will last forever. See us on Facebook. I took books to read but never got around to reading them. Rejoicing with family in the mountains took all my time. Thank you for all the cards and prayers. I would like to tell you about some […]