It seems like it was only a couple of months ago that we were celebrating our 165th Anniversary as a church at last year’s Homecoming. June 2nd, we will observe the 166th Anniversary of our church and I can’t help but to think of the legacy of faith that has been displayed by this church through the years. Five couples, ten people were the founding members of this church and you and I are here today standing on their shoulders and the shoulders of so many others. The people that have been reached with the Gospel, discipled, and sent out are jewels in the crowns of those who have gone before us.

As we celebrate the faithfulness of God and our ancestors in the faith, let us have a renewed determination to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As I encouraged you last month, let me encourage you again, Pray for a lost person by name, Invite a lost person to church, and Share your story, testimony, or the gospel with a lost person. Time is short and there are so many things going on in the world around us that lead me to believe we are living out the last days of this world before God calls out the church and the Tribulation begins. We are commanded in scripture to pray for the Lord of the Harvest to send workers and we need to realize the harvest I ripe and those workers are the same faces we look at in the mirror each morning.

The faithful testimony of others that told us about Jesus are why we know Jesus today. I am grateful for parents that took me to church to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for Mrs. Brown, for Mr. Turpin, for Mr. Keel and so many others that poured the Gospel into my life through those formative years. I want to live and work in such a way that there will be others who are a part of the lineage of faith that I inherited. I want to see people come to faith in Christ because I have been faithful in telling others about Christ. That all begins with praying for the lost!

May we work faithfully to build up the Kingdom of God, for the Glory of God, that we would be found faithful at the Return of Our Lord

Until He Returns!