I can’t tell you how grateful I am to get to serve alongside you as we seek to reach our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You have been so patient with me as Janice, and I get to enjoy this last season of college baseball for Brooks, and we are truly thankful for you. You have prayed for me through my knee surgery and recovery, and I appreciate that as well.
Back on Sunday April 21st , Steve Foster from the GA Baptist Mission Board was with us and challenged us to consider how we can be intentional about looking for opportunities to share our faith. He closed his message with three things every believer can do.
- Pray for a lost person by name.
- Invite a lost person to church.
- Share your story/testimony/gospel with a lost person.
I want to encourage each one of you to make sure you are praying for one lost per-son by name. Focus on taking that seriously over the rest of this year. Put the name somewhere in front of you so that you will remember to pray.
Ask God to open your eyes to inviting people that are lost or unchurched to church. Still well over 80% come to church for the first time because someone they know invited them to church. Think about people around you that you may have known for some time but have never invited them. Ask God to give you’re the courage and the open door to invite them to church. Invite them to some special event or outing at church. Invite them to join you on Wednesday night for a free meal at the pavilion. Whatever you do, be proactive about inviting people to church.
Finally, ask God to help you see ways to share your faith. Steve reminded us that it is not always about going through an entire Gospel presentation, but it may be as simple as planting a seed that God sends someone along to water. Make it a habit of focusing more of your conversations on the goodness of God and what He has done for you. Pray that God would help you to make it natural to you. Let God work through you to reach people for the Kingdom!