You ‘MAY’ Find a Good Book
May is a wonderful month to honor our Mothers. “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world” is a famous quote and often true. We know God made Motherhood to be a bless
Your Heart for Missions
I want to say how blessed and grateful I am to be serving here alongside you. Your heart for missions has been a real blessing to me and I genuinely appreciate the way you give s
Spring and Summer Fellowship Meals
Its time to start thinking about our spring and summer fellowship meals. Plans are underway for Pleasant Grove to provide lunch, as an outreach, to the Gilmer Junior Varsity and Va
Dig In Our Collection
Do you look at our church Library as an arm of ministry? Our library can inform and enlighten you on many subjects. Our Sunday School teachers can use it for references and bac
Seeking Opportunities
First of all I want to say thank you to everyone that helped out with the Easter Egg hunt! It was great to see so many people from the community come out as we had right at 180 chi
“MARCH” Right In …
“MARCH” right in and pick up a book to read… books and old We have books to give away and books to check out. Here are a couple of books I would like to tell you a
Why Pray?
Prayer is a commandment. Colossians 4:2, John 15:5 Jesus prayed. Mark 1:35, Luke 6:12, John 12:27-28, Matthew 26:39 & 42, Luke 23:34 God Hears and answers. Matthew 7:7-8 Prayer
A Season of New Growth
I realize that it is still winter but I must admit that I am already thinking about spring. Pitchers and catchers have reported to spring training in baseball and while I know th
Wasted Ointment
by Viola Walden Sixty dollars’ worth of perfume wasted! It wasn’t stolen or spilled: simply poured on the head of a Man. Bystanders turned on the woman indignantly. “Why this
Christian Fellowship
Fellowship, according to, is the sharing together in a common life with other believers through a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Fellowship is first and fore
Join the Sanctuary Choir for The Risen Christ
The Pleasant Grove Sanctuary Choir is beginning rehearsals on the Easter musical The Risen Christ. This musical is a celebration of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The
From the “Loving” Library
“Love” is a word that brings to mind a million things. With February in the air our thoughts turn to Valentine and the subject of “Love”. So, what do you love? Do you