Well, here we are. At the beginning of a New Year. 2018…..Are you looking forward to it? Maybe this is the year Jesus will return. I look forward to that. Let’s look forward
to some of these things:

  • making new friends, keeping the old;
  • taking up a new hobby, or keeping the old;
  • reading lots of new books, or rereading favorites;
  • cooking something new, but making the family favorites;
  • organizing pictures or closets, or just looking at the stuff you have collected.

Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. I have enjoyed many things this past year and hope to continue in them throughout the coming year. Let’s pray for our church to move forward in Bible Study, Missions, Fellowship and coming together as a family of God. I wish you all a very Happy New Year ….and don’t forget to come to your library and check out our good books. They will enhance your life and give you many hours of pleasure.

God bless you.

Shirley Olmstead

PS….. I really have enjoyed our beautiful church music, decorations, classes, and fellowship. Thanks to all who have been involved in making it special.