Posts from April 2024

3 Items

The Gilmer Christian Learning Center Updates


Counting Our Blessings As we begin the second half of the 2023-2024 school year, we are humbled at how fruitful the Fall semester was. Here are a few exciting figures we want to share with you. Help Us Get Ready For Spring Semester did you know there are multiple ways you can help the CLC? […]

March Update


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 March was an eventful month for the children and youth of PGBC. Our church was able to take part in the community wide D-NOW event, where the theme was “Logos”. Logos is the Greek term translated […]

Palm Sunday


As I write this article, yesterday was Palm Sunday. We were blessed to baptize two sweet young ladies and be reminded of the grace of God and the wonderful image presented through baptism in saying publicly that we are not ashamed of Jesus Christ. We were able to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together and be […]