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Welcome New Books


WELCOME FALL… WELCOME APPLE FESTIVAL…. WELCOME NEW BOOKS This month I would like to review one of our newer books. A historical novel very akin to “Gone With the Wind.” Except it is placed in Virginia on the Arlington Plantation of the Custer Family. The daughter,  Mary, becomes the wife of the General Robert E. Lee. […]

Finding Anna


Thank you all for making August a “Lovely” month in the library. We had good response to people coming and checking out books.  Keep it up. This month I would like to review a book from the shelf.  “Finding Anna” by Christine Schaub.  You may have read it as it is not new.  It came […]

Love Your Library


Have you taken advantage of our Church Library? Much is waiting for you. Whatever your need you can find it in the Library. You don’t believe me? Why, just ask and see if we can help. Many new books have been given this summer. These are but a few! “When Christ Appears” D. Jeremiah “A […]



Hooray for  the 4th….stand up and cheer….be thankful for your freedom…. (this is really about freedom) What do Charles Stanley, David Jeremiah, Max Lucado, Eugenia Price, and Billy Graham all have in Common? They are AUTHORS…all of which we have in our library. They ALL write about having a Christian Life. They all have a common […]

Splash the Living Water


What’s more refreshing in the hot summer than splashing water? Splashing in the pool; splashing in the ocean; splashing in the lake; even splashing in the tub or shower…. Water, one of our basic needs, is talked about in the Bible many times. I just reread a book called ”Splash the Living Water” by Esther Borroughs. It is based on the […]

Are You Ready For Summer?


“Lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.”  Song of Solomon 2:11 Read it again. Enjoy it to the fullest.  Go outside and see the beauty of God.  Are […]

Remembering Billy Graham


I have just finished reading the last book Billy Graham wrote. He was 93 and still pretty active and with the help of Franklin, his son, he gave us his thoughts about old age, death, heaven, and how to deal with them.  He was able to tell people about Jesus and his love, his death, […]

Turn Over A New ‘Leaf’ And Be A Part Of Our “Tree”


First, let me thank everyone who contributed to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Our “Thank You” goal was reached as we collected a little over $10,000. That is wonderful news. With so many other offerings and gifts during Christmas we are glad to reach this goal. Now, it is time to think about our Annie Armstrong Easter […]

Looking Forward


Well, here we are. At the beginning of a New Year. 2018…..Are you looking forward to it? Maybe this is the year Jesus will return. I look forward to that. Let’s look forward to some of these things: making new friends, keeping the old; taking up a new hobby, or keeping the old; reading lots […]