Pastor’s Corner

6472 of 89 items

Prepare For Revival


Each August we plan to have a series of meetings we call revival.  We have been blessed to have some great men of God faithfully preach the Word of God to us each year.  Last year we had five men in here that did a great job sharing their heart and the heart of God, […]

July Is Upon Us


I can hardly believe that the summer is flying by like it is.  July is upon us and we have a busy month coming up.  July 2nd we will have a cookout/picnic at the church at 5pm and I look forward to a time of fun and fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ.  […]

Give Thanks Always For Everything


Sometimes I will come across a passage that I have read numerous times and suddenly something lands on me that I had not really gotten my mind around before. Just recently I was studying in Ephesians and this verse just jumped all over me. It was one of those moments when a part of your […]

Are you growing in Christ?


Twenty-two years ago Janice and I embarked on a journey that we truly were not prepared for and had no idea where it would lead.  You see on the 3rd of May our baby girl will be 22 years old and I can hardly believe it.  I still remember the piercing cry that this tiny […]

Start Your New Beginning


I can hardly believe it is already spring and that we are now moving into the month of April.  Growing up in Augusta, April always meant one thing…The Masters.  Richmond County Schools always did spring break Masters Week which is always the first full week of April.  I can still remember going to the tournament […]

You Are God’s workmanship


This is and will continue to be one of my favorite verses in scripture, but I confess I have a lot of favorite verses!  Do you realize that you are God’s workmanship?  The New Living Translation says we are His Masterpiece.  You are not an accident and even though you may not feel like you […]

Choosing Comfort Over Obedience


Back before Christmas Janice and I began to realize that our furniture was getting pretty worn out.  We had our couch and recliner for well over 15 years and it had just gotten to a point where it wasn’t as comfortable as it once was and the workings of it were wearing down.  You see […]

Be More Intentional About Your Growth in the New Year


As 2016 winds to an end it is hard to believe that another year has flown by.  To say that 2016 was an interesting year might be an understatement.  The election season which seemed to start 10 years ago, began so early in the year that it lasted all year long and unfortunately continues to […]

Invite Them!


The Christmas season can be a wonderful time of year.  I enjoy all the Christmas lights that people put up and I like the decorations that my wife puts up around the house.  It still amazes me how early the stores get a jump on the season but even with that I enjoy seeing Christmas […]