Posts by PGBC

118126 of 247 items

Life is too short to waste time on things that don’t impact eternity


As I write this article I am sitting at my mother’s bedside as she spends her last moments on this earth.  I am so grateful to know that she placed her faith in Christ as a young girl and truly sought to live a Christian life. My mother was not perfect, but she always sought […]

Why Did I Write That?


As I was cleaning off my desk for the first time in a while, I ran across a note that I had written with a scripture verse on it. I scratched my head and pondered but never could remember the reason that I had written it. You see, I had left off one important piece […]

Enjoying Summer Reading


Our big celebration for our 50th anniversary is over but the memories will last forever. See us on Facebook. I took books to read but never got around to reading them. Rejoicing with family in the mountains took all my time. Thank you for all the cards and prayers. I would like to tell you about some […]

Where Is Your Focus?


Growing up in Augusta, some time during my teenage years the Augusta Mall started doing a big July 4th fireworks celebration. It quickly became very popular with one of the local radio stations broadcasting music that was meant to coincide with the fireworks. I can remember being in several different locations to watch the fireworks. […]

Don’t Ever Give Up!


Have you ever lost something and after a while had just given up on finding it? Well that happened to our family in 2017. At Thanksgiving in 2017 while out of town family was visiting, we somehow lost the remote control to our ROKU streaming device on our television. We searched long and hard for […]



Have you noticed the bulletin board outside the church office? It is no longer to promote the library but will be promoting MISSIONS. Currently there are pictures from our June trip to Townsend, TN. There will be pictures, letters, articles from around the world as well as locally for you to read and pray for. We […]

Spiritual Markers


In the Old Testament we see numerous times when the people of God would set up altars or markers to remember something God had done. God spoke to Jacob and told him what He was going to do in his life in Genesis 35. CSB17 Genesis 35:11 God also said to him, “I am God […]



because you have been born again – not of perishable seed but of imperishable – through the living and enduring word of God. 24 For All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,25 but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this word is the […]

“Summertime, and the living is easy…”


Are you taking a summer vacation? Where would you like to go? It can be a real one or a pretend one. With books you can go anywhere. Our books are full of adventure to places like Hawaii, England, China, or just a place in the good ole USA. I can recommend books by Tracie […]