The Wonder of Christmas
Hello, singers! As we look forward to the Christmas season, we look forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus and the good news of the gospel. It is truly a joy to s
Drawn To The Light
Until the last couple of months, I had never really had much of an encounter with hornets. I have never lived anywhere that hornets were a problem. I have battled yellow jackets be
Thank You From Our Family Minister and Family
We would like to thank God for this church, and thank everyone involved with supporting, and helping to raise support, for the addition of two bedrooms to our home. Anna and I are
Waiting On God
I will have to admit that I am not a very patient person. The ministry has taught me to be careful to wait on God, but I am by no means really good at that. I have a tendency to wa
He Lives!
In This month where we celebrate Easter, may we never take for granted the necessity of the death of Christ. If He was not willing to shed His blood for our sins, then we could not
Summer Is Coming!
Summer is coming! Are you ready This year our youth will have the opportunity to attend a week-long adventure camp at the Georgia Baptist Mission Board’s Camp Kaleo. Kaleo, p
Charity Begins At Home
I have to say that I am so blessed to get to serve alongside you here at Pleasant Grove Baptist. As March arrives that means I have been here eight years and I am so grateful that
Which Part Are You?
1 Corinthians 12:14 – 17 “For the body is not one member, but many. 15 If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reas
There Are Only Two Options For Eternity
I must confess that back at the end of August when we started walking our way through The Revelation, I was not overly excited about it because it can be a difficult book to deal w