Sometimes God Needs To ‘Prune’ Our Lives
I realized today that this May will be three years since my daughter graduated from college. It doesn’t seem like it could possibly be true, but it is. Consequently, it is also t
Catching Us Off Guard
I was stopped at a traffic light the other day, and while I was waiting for my turn to go, I was listening to the radio. I had my truck radio tuned to a Christian station and was e
Time “March”es On
“Ides” like to see you marching to the Library. Our books are richer than a “pot o gold”. Enough of this “Blarney” stuff. Spring is just a
Why are you a Christian?
How would you respond to that question? If that came from a lost person it would be very beneficial to their eternity if you could give more than, “Well I grew up in a Christian
D-NOW 2020
The time is rapidly approaching for the Disciple Now week-end youth event here in Ellijay, a time when churches come to-gether to reach our youth for Jesus. This year’s theme wil
Let “Love” give you 20/20 vision
Love is the Theme Love makes the world go round Love one another…Love God with all your heart. The first Bible verse you learned was probably this: “God is Love”.
Choosing To Know God More
Some people like vintage more than new. If you had the choice between a vintage car, like a 1968 Camaro SS or a brand-new Camaro SS, what would you be more inclined to choose
I Said I Was Sorry
What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2 May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? Romans 6:1-2 Recently one of ou
The Purpose of Christmas
Welcome 2020…This makes me think of good eyesight….to have 2020 vision is to see things in the best possible order. I want to help you get the best of the new year in l
In the Quiet Place
Mark 1:35 In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there. From the time I was a child I have
The Greatest Christmas Gift Ever
As I sit in my office and think back over 52 Christmas Days I am trying to think of memorable gifts along the way. I honestly had to struggle to think about some that I remember fr