Love is the Theme
Love makes the world go round
Love one another…Love God with all your heart.

The first Bible verse you learned was probably this: “God is Love”. Every page of our Bible tells us in some way of God’s love. He first loved us so we can love each other. The greatest gift of love is Jesus Christ.

Jesus loves us through forgiveness, faith and belief. One of our most popular books in the library is Francine Rivers’ book entitled, “Redeeming Love” No matter who you are, where you’re from or what you have done, God is ready to forgive you when you ask HIM. So many of our books tell of God’s love in various ways. Through the reading the Bible and other books in our Library you will learn and know God’s love.

You must show love to receive love. Use this good Proverb to remember that love must be when things are good or bad. You can love the person but not the things the person does. We are made in His image. His greatest characteristic is LOVE.

So we have it within us if we just use it. His purpose in creating us was for fellowship. But when sin entered the world our perfection was taken away. But Jesus died for our sins and gave us back our perfection in HIM so that we may live eternally with HIM in HEAVEN. Think on these things as you read his word everyday.

PS: We have been given several good books about Creation versus Evolution. Don’t be in doubt about what you believe and what is true. Check these out and compare what scientists say compared to the Bible. Don’t let the devil make you doubt God’s purpose and plan for everything HE made. These books are on display.

Shirley Olmstead