Posts from 2022

6 Items

Overcoming Sin


In December we celebrate the birth of Christ. All the other stuff that surrounds Christmas is not the main reason for Christmas. Christ left Heaven and came to earth so that He could ultimately go to the cross and pay the price for our sins. He was then laid in a tomb but on the […]

The Wonder of Christmas


Hello, singers! As we look forward to the Christmas season, we look forward to celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus and the good news of the gospel.  It is truly a joy to sing about what the Lord has done! We would love to see you at the Sanctuary Choir’s preview of our Christmas […]

Drawn To The Light


Until the last couple of months, I had never really had much of an encounter with hornets. I have never lived anywhere that hornets were a problem. I have battled yellow jackets before, and I truly dislike yellow jackets! They truly are infuriating when they sting me and if I had a flame thrower, I […]