
19 of 44 items

Books For Easter


Easter is the most important holiday that we a Christians celebrate. Your library has on display many wonderful books for us to learn how much our Lord went through and what it means to us. Take time to check out the displays beside the Sanctuary and in both our main library and the children’s library. […]

Off The Shelf – Library News For June


A section of the library is devoted to biographies. While this section is currently small it contains books that depicts the story of someone’s life. The person may be still alive, someone who lived centuries ago, someone who is globally famous, a hero forgotten or even a special group of people. The definition of a […]

Time “March”es On


“Ides” like to see you marching to the Library.  Our books are richer than a “pot o gold”. Enough of this “Blarney” stuff. Spring is just around the corner . I’ve already seen jonquils blooming and red bud trees turning. “to everything a season “so says the Bible. Do you know where this is found? […]

Let “Love” give you 20/20 vision


Love is the Theme Love makes the world go round Love one another…Love God with all your heart. The first Bible verse you learned was probably this: “God is Love”. Every page of our Bible tells us in some way of God’s love. He first loved us so we can love each other. The greatest […]

The Purpose of Christmas


Welcome 2020…This makes me think of good eyesight….to have 2020 vision is to see things in the best possible order. I want to help you get the best of the new year in light of what God has done for us.  Christmas has come but it is not gone. The very best gift has been […]

Joy to the World


For unto us a Child is born, a Son is given and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, King of Kings and Lord of Lords Isaiah 9:6 This is the season of Joy to the World. We celebrate in many ways; we give gifts; we sing cantatas; we give special offerings to missions; we […]

In Memory of Steve Brothers


The library dedicates a book when someone in our church family passes. We keep a record of the deaths and the books in memory there in the library if you would like to see it. We contact the family to inform them of the book in their memory. If you would like to donate a […]



I hope you have had a good summer and are back to normal schedules. This includes coming to the library and reading good books. We have lots of new books on display and on the shelves. I have been reading one I want to tell you about and encourage you to read. The ELM CREEK […]



“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.” Isa. 40:31 Sometimes life seems like such a burden that it’s hard to just get out of bed in the morning. But remembering […]